Welcome to Pantomime! – the magazine that brings you everything panto.
Regular features will bring together on-stage and behind the scenes news, gossip, and interviews from both professional and amateur companies:

Issue 10 available to order NOW!

We will discuss the history of pantomime itself, the characters, themes, and stories. We will also take a look at the great performers of the past and the theatres they performed in.

This will have articles about the current industry and some of the major players including producers, performers, theatres, and designers. We will also cover things like special effects and how technology is changing the industry.

Each issue we will look at a specific aspect of pantomime and reveal its secret. In the first issue we will look at that all important panto staple – SLOSH! Including a tried and tested recipe.

We won’t just be covering the professional panto world. A large part of our philosophy is to celebrate the world of amateur panto. There are thousands of amateur pantomimes put on every year, and we want to acknowledge all the hard work that goes into entertaining local audiences.

We look back at some of the performers who have become panto legends.

We throw the spotlight on some of the people who bring pantomime to life.